
Trelewis Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Trelewis


RSE & Diveristy

As a school we want to ensure that we provide our Pupils with all the skills necessary for them to develop as healthy, confident individuals. A key part of this is to ensure that our school not only understands, but also appreciates the diversity of our school community. As part of our core curriculum, Relationships and sexuality Education (or commonly known as RSE) and diversity plays a part in securing this ambition for all our learners.


This page has been setup to provide you with information about what RSE and diversity looks like at our school, and to help you better understand the purpose of this element of the Curriculum within the Primary setting.


What is 'diveristy'?

Diversity in primary school quite simply means celebrating and valuing the unique qualities that each child brings to the classroom, including their culture, language, background, abilities, and perspectives. It is about fostering an inclusive environment where every child feels respected and appreciated, regardless of their differences.


By embracing diversity, we aim to teach pupils to understand and respect others, preparing them for a world that is rich in variety and interconnectedness. It also helps children build empathy, broaden their perspectives, and develop important social skills, while ensuring all students have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed. Diversity strengthens the school community, making it a place where everyone can thrive together. At our school there are 6 key elements of 'diversity' that weave through our curriculum and allow us to embed this aspect into our wider school curriculum. These are:-


  1. Identity & Self Image - this element focusses on supporting children to understand who they are and how they see themselves.
  2. Families & Homes - this element is about promoting awareness of different families and home makeups helping children understand and respect that families can look different, including single parents, same-sex parents, extended families, or foster families.
  3. Relationships - this element links directly to our RSE curriculum and focusses on those relationships that pupils will develop over their lives, including friendships and wider relationships with others. 
  4. Race & Heritage - this element is about promoting an appreciation of race and heritage by teaching children about different cultures, traditions, and histories, fostering respect and understanding for all backgrounds.
  5. Celebrating Difference - this element is about recognizing and valuing diversity in all forms, including disabilities, age, and other unique characteristics, to create an inclusive and supportive community for everyone.
  6. Making Good Choices - this element is about making good choices includes helping pupils understand the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect, while standing against racism and all forms of discrimination.


The school is also part of the 'No Out Siders' program. More information about this can be found in the document below. 

What is RSE?

All children should have the right to access information that keeps them safe from harm. This includes learning about healthy and safe relationships (family, friends, society etc.), and keeping safe online and offline; raising concerns with adults where this is appropriate. RSE is designed to safeguard all our children, supporting them to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours that will assist in protecting them throughout their lives. The skills and knowledge that is taught to pupils is always developmentally appropriate to the age of the child being taught.


It should be clear that RSE does not simply mean 'Sex Education' as can often be misunderstood, rather developing an understanding of what healthy relationships are and using this understanding to stay safe. Learning in RSE will also include recognising, understanding and speaking about all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse and neglect and to seek support and advice on a range of issues from trusted sources. 


Further information about the purpose of RSE in Schools can be found in the documents below. 

The RSE Code

Within our School, we follow the guidance set out in the 'RSE Code' which provides detail for schools and settings on what must be taught in school and when. We have included a link to the code below, in order to give Parents/Carers clarity about what their children will learn and when. We have also shared above, a document that outlines the skills Pupils will be taught at different points during the school, so you have a clear understanding of what your child will learn and when. 

RSE at School

As a Parent/Carer, we want you to know the exact skills and topics that will be taught across the school, in line with the Code for RSE. The documents below outline the various phases of the code and provide you with an overview of what skills and knowledge will be taught to Pupils, in specific year groups, so tat you can see how lessons will develop Pupils knowledge and skills at an age appropriate level. The documents below link to the phases that are applicable to us in Primary which are Phase 1 (3-7) and Phase 2 (7-11). As a schol we utilise a scheme called 'Jigsaw' which we use for supporting teaching RSE across the school. 

PHASE 1 - Ages 3 - 7

PHASE 2 - Ages 7 - 11

School Policy for RSE

Our school policy for RSE is below. This should provide you with further information regarding our apporaches to the delivery of RSE within the school. 
