
Trelewis Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Trelewis


Identifying children with ALN at our school

At Trelewis Primary School we ensure that the needs of all children are met through high quality teaching and learning experiences.  Our Universal Provision includes:

  • Encouragement and support for all to reach their full potential.
  • Access to an enriched curriculum across the four core purposes and areas of learning.
  • Effective differentiation.
  • Established tracking of progress throughout the whole school.
  • Early identification of children who may need additional support with their learning.
  • Interventions where appropriate


As part of our effective monitoring and tracking of children’s progress we recognise that for some children a targeted intervention within school is needed to help close possible gaps in learning.  Our Targeted Provision includes:

  • Access to in school 1:1 or small group interventions such as :
    • Reading support
    • Catch Up
    • Toe by Toe
    • Rapid Maths
    • Nessy
    • Precision Teaching
    • Dynamo Maths
    • Power of Two.
    • Targeted RWI sessions


During their time spent at Trelewis Primary School, most children make the expected progress in learning from their own starting points.  If a child is identified as not making the expected progress we will follow our process of investigating and identifying whether a child has an additional learning need.  This is done collaboratively with school, home and any outside agencies that may be involved such as the Educational Psychology Service.  We will gather information through discussion, questionnaires, assessment tools, observations and monitoring of progress over time.


A child not moving forward in their learning is characterised by progress which:


  • is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline,
  • does not match or better previous rate of progress,
  • does not close, or widens, the attainment gap between the child and their peers, despite the provision of support aimed at closing that gap


Identification of Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

When pupils do not make the expected progress with Universal/Targeted Provision in place and following thorough investigation and evidence gathering, a child may be identified as having ALN. Within our school we have established a handy flowchart which is used in conjunction with other evidence bases, to decide on whether a child meets criteria for an IDP (ALN) or not. Please find the flowchart below.

You can view our current Provision map below which highlights our Universal, Targeted and Additional Provision within school.

Identifying ALN/IDP Flowchart
