At Trelewis Primary School, we follow the Welsh Government Curriculum for Wales in order to deliver and establish rich and engaging learning experiences for our Pupils. As a school we aim to promote a broad and balanced curriculum which allows Pupils to learn and develop their personal skills and qualities, through 6 key areas of learning and experience. These 6 areas are:
- Languages, Literacy and Communication
- Mathematics and Numeracy
- Science and Technology
- Humanities
- Expressive Arts
- Health and Wellbeing
Whilst your child is with us at Trelewis Primary School, our aim is that they will develop a wide range of knowledge and understanding from the various areas they explore and that, during their time with us they will develop skills that will set them up for life. Within the school we have established our 'Curriculum Vision' which outlines our expectations of what we want pupils to achieve from learning through our Curriculum. Our Curriculum Vision can be found within our School Prospectus.
At Trelewis Primary School our Curriculum is not only those skills which we deliver in classrooms, but our Curriculum encapsulates our whole school ethos. We believe that our Curriculum is not only something that Pupils experience within the classroom but that our Pupils learn a great amount from the wider school environment. We pride ourselves on holding a clear set of aims, which we want to embed for every pupil. These aims are built on the 4 core purposes for education and are;
- To embed the "Rights of the Child" within the school;
- To provide caring and friendly surroundings where pupils will be happy, safe and secure;
- To promote a healthy lifestyle;
- To create an ethos of high standards and expectations throughout the school;
- To give all out pupils access to a broad and balanced curriculum to enable them to achieve their full potential;
- To provide high quality teaching and learning experiences to enable all children to achieve the highest standards of which they are capable in all areas of the curriculum;
- To enable all pupils to develop a sense of self-esteem, acquire a set of moral values and promote habits of self-discipline which will ensure high standards of good behaviour at all times;
- To provide experiences that will assist pupils to an awareness of the spiritual dimension of life and to encourage them to respect other cultures, races and religions;
- To assist our pupils to become self-reliant and help them on the vital steps towards becoming independent, lifelong learners;
- To provide pupils with the skills needed to enable them to communicate effectively and safely using a wide range of information systems, preparing them for the technological world of the future;
- To develop and promote pupils Welsh language, culture and heritage, promoting a sense of identity and belonging;
- To assist our pupils in becoming proactive global citizens;
- To develop a stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environment where pupils can learn by satisfying their own natural curiosity and individual interests;
- To ensure pupils are provided with a wide variety of first hand experiences to enhance and supplement the curriculum;
- To secure a meaningful partnership between home, school and the wider community;
- To provide a programme of professional training to enable all staff to further develop their skills and knowledge and , in turn, better support our pupils.