
Trelewis Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Trelewis


Reviewing the Curriculum

We understand that the process of designing and implementing a Curriculum is one that is done so with an element of flexibility; understanding that as the world around us changes, so to do the skills and knowledge that we deliver to Pupils. It is our aim as a Federation to continually revisit and revise our Curriculum to ensure that it remains fit for purpose and meets the needs of our learners.


Our Curriculum will be reviewed termly by SMT to ensure that there is appropriate coverage of skills within the school, which will be part of our usual monitoring processes. Our Governing Body will also carry out an annual review (during the Summer Term) of our Curriculum to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the schools and that appropriate resourcing is in place to deliver the curriculum.


The process of reviewing the Curriculum will be based on feedback received from Staff, Pupils and Parents and ongoing revision will be a key part as we refine and embed a Curriculum for all. We will also continue to work closely with other schools, settings, LA and institutions in ensuring that our Curriculum continues to be an effective tool for supporting the teaching and learning process within our schools.


If you would like any further information about our Curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning please feel free to visit our website where further details about our Curriculum can be found. Alternatively, you are welcome to get in touch with us at the school where we will be happy to discuss our Curriculum further with you
