Dear Parent/Carer,
Blwydden Newydd Dda! - Happy New Year!
I trust that all of our Pupils and their families have had a fantastic Christmas full of fun and laughter, and are all ready to return to school for the term ahead. May I take this opportunity to once again thank all the Families of our Pupils for their support over the Christmas period. As always your support is very much appreciated.
Spring Term is always a busy term at school with lots of exciting events and enrichment activities taking place, to continue supporting our Pupils learning. Again, I would encourage all Parents/Carers of our pupils to be partners with us as we continue to move forward together in giving all of our Pupils the best possible education we can. We also extend a warm welcome to our new Nursery pupils and their families who join us this term – I trust that they settle in well over the coming weeks.
Attendance at school continues to be one of our priorities and we want to ensure that our Pupils are at school every day. We would encourage all our Pupils to be in school on time and as often as possible. Should your child need to miss school for any reasons, we ask that this is reported to the school office as soon as possible. A reminder that school starts at 9:00am (entry to school from 8:50am) and late marks are recorded for those arriving after registers have been taken at 9:00am. Registers close at 9:20am.
As explained to you last term, Merthyr Tydfil Catering department have changed the way that dinners are paid for in all schools across Merthyr Tydfil, now requiring Parents to pay for and select their child’s meal online. Please note that the school is no longer able to accept cash payments for School dinners, and online payments via Parent Pay are now the only method of payment.
On the website are all the dates for the term ahead. Please note that other dates may be added as the term goes on, and further information about these dates can be found on the school website. A reminder that school will be closed for INSET purposes on Monday 24th February 2020. Please note that Parents Evenings will again be held this term on Tuesday 10th March and Wednesday 11th March. Appointments will be booked online again, as in the Autumn Term.
I look forward to continuing to work with you this term.
Mr R Morgan
Executive Head Teacher